Best Wrinkle Cream – What’S The Fascination?

Friday, April 10, 2009

The hunt for the best wrinkle cream is like the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster. There is a bunch of people claiming to have found it, but nobody really sure if it's it true or not. As frustrating as the constant hunt has become for consumers, they still continue to buy more wrinkle creams with the hope that it will be the fountain of youth. Why do we keep hunting and hoping in vein? This article is going to explore certain aspects of the human condition that keeps us on this "hunt and try" path, forever seeking the best wrinkle cream.One of the first embedded characteristics of consumers in this market is that they have an extremely powerful desire to resist aging, and keep a youthful look. This need is so strong that people end up in therapy as they age, as their faces and bodies change despite their vigorous efforts to stop the process. The easy thing for people to do is to buy products that claim they can do this magical feat. We want so badly for there to be a magic button we can push that takes years off our faces that we keep buying and buying. Surely, if the human race could shed its innate desire to resist aging, there would be a whole lot less wrinkle creams on TV and in magazines.The nature of consumers to believe what they read is another reason the continual flow of purchases in the wrinkle cream industry exists. No matter how many times we buy wrinkle creams that promise to "instantly make us 20 years younger", and are deeply disappointed, we rush right out and buy the next cream that makes the same silly claims. Are we just suckers, or is it something deeper rooted? I believe that it is a combination of our desire to look younger tricking our brains into believing the marketing, and the increasingly deceptive advertisements that companies are using to sell the creams. People want to feel luxurious and pampered. Whether it is because it makes us feel special, or living some ideal lifestyle, the "Luxury" aspect of wrinkle creams keeps us coming back for more and searching for the very best one. This phenomenon is true in all industries where there is an aficionado aspect. The search for the perfect bottle of red wine, or the perfect cigar is very similar. People have become aficionados of wrinkle creams and will spend fortunes in their hunt for the best wrinkle cream on earth. They savor it and rub it onto their skin like delicate silken liquid... just like a wine snob swirls and sniffs his favorite wine. Do you think I'm crazy? Think about it and watch the behavior of persistent wrinkle cream users. You'll see I'm right on the money here.The "Just in case" mentality is another reason why people keep returning to the internet in the hunt for the best wrinkle cream. My idea here is a lot like the person who never goes to church, but prays when they get scared or hear bad news about a family member. The old, "I'm not religious, but just in case God's listening, I'll pray up a storm", is basically the same as people who know these creams aren't going to work, but they keep buying and applying them, JUST IN CASE a wrinkle cream breakthrough finally took place and there exists a cream that will wipe wrinkles right off your skin. This is different than preventative use... this is people who know they're probably getting ripped off, but are willing to take the loss, on the off chance that the cream actually does what it says.This handful or human characteristics are some of the strongest ones that keep customers in line at the department stores, or clicking their mouses online at wrinkle cream websites. The wrinkle cream companies know that people will continue to hunt for the best wrinkle cream, and so they keep putting new products on the market. Perhaps one day if people can become aware of these forces within them, they'll be able to resist all the wrinkle cream spending they're doing. Then again, if that happens, I'll be out of a job.

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