Trying a California Spray Tan

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why is the sunless tanning procedure becoming very famous these days? Experts take two principal reasons as their basis. First, people think that a tanned skin is the passport towards becoming fashionable, hot, captivating, and desirable. Not all people are living in areas where there is a sufficient supply of sunshine.More so, not all of you can thus afford to grab your bags for a vacation with the sun at the end of each month. This therefore means that there are people who are really turning to several mediums of sunless tanning. The second reason lies behind the fact that sunless tanning is much health-friendly. Everyone is aware that the constant exposure to the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun only heightens the possibility of skin cancer. Sunless tanning is able to give you the desired result without actually harming your own skin.Initially, there are four principal methods which are applicable for sunless tanning. They are the use of the sunless tanning lotion, spray tan machine, tanning beds, and the intake of the tanning pills. What are they all about?Sunless tanning lotions.The sunless tanning lotions generally contain some bronzing ingredients known as the DHA. The DHA is a colorless sugar that interferes with the dead skin cells which henceforth causes a change in color of the skin. The change in the skin color lasts approximately from five up to seven days after the first application. This may be easy to use but an even tan cannot be guaranteed at all.Spray tanning.This may be just the same as the tanning lotion only that the tanning solution is applied through a spray. A spray gun can be used for this method but the spray tan machine is a lot better since an even tanning application may be assured. The spray tan machine is likewise termed as a booth.Tanning beds.The tanning beds or otherwise known as sun beds possess those fluorescent tubes. These tubes are responsible for tanning the skin through the emission of the ultraviolet rays. The same type of such rays is also derived from the sun itself. Tanning beds are effective but then the overuse of them usually causes skin aging and worst, skin cancer.Tanning pills.These pills come in three variants. There are tanning pills which contain the caretenoid pigments, those without active ingredients, and those pills with tyrosine. The caretenoid pills have the special pigments which saturate all of the fat layers underlying the skin. Tanning pills change the skin color but they are not as effective as the rest of the tanning mediums.Most people agree to the use of the California Tan Spray machine. If you wish to get the same experience, start looking for the most established and reputable tanning salon near your place. It is advisable to get the opinion of the people around you.A thorough research especially with those people who have had their own experience with the California Tan Spray machine will help you a lot in deciding for the right place to go to. Once you've found the salon that you wish to get your tan from, make an appointment. Usually, the result of the California Tan Spray machine is an even tan all over your body. So where do you want to go then?Check them: [phpbay]tanning lotion, 10[/phpbay]
Related BlogsRelated Blogs on Trying a California Spray TanWhich is the best Desinger skin Tanning lotion? » ArticleSphere Blog

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eBay Users: What You Need to Know About Phishing Scams

Are you an eBay user? Whether you use eBay to do your online shopping or if you use eBay to generate extra income for yourself, as an eBay seller, there is something that you need to be aware of. As an eBay user, whether you are a seller or a buyer, you need to be on the lookout for phishing scams. Phishing scams are rapidly increasing in popularity and many are using eBay as a front. To protect your identity, as well as you finances, you need to be on the lookout for them.

If you are relatively new to eBay or online shopping in general, you may not know exactly what phishing scams are. Do you? If not, you should know that phishing scams are actually complex online scams. A shady individual or a scammer makes a fake website that is similar to eBay or at least a fake eBay sign in page. You are then sent an email that appears as if it was from eBay. The only thing is that it wasn't. The goal of a phishing scam is to get you to visit the fake page and enter in your eBay sign in information, including your eBay screen name and your eBay password. Once a scammer has your information, they get access to you personal information stored on eBay, as well as free use of your eBay account.

One of the reasons why phishing scams are so easy to fall victim to is because they give you the impression that is something is wrong with you eBay account or that you did something wrong yourself. For instance, many phishing scams contain a message asking why you didn't pay for an item that you ordered or outline the fact that your eBay account has been suspended. The goal is to get you so worried that you will automatically click on the link to get the problem solved; however, as previously mentioned, the link takes you to a site that looks just like eBay, but it isn't. There is where the trouble comes in.

If you get an eBay phishing scam email, you will want to do a little bit of detective work, before actually clicking on the link. In fact, you shouldn't even click on the link. The first thing that you will want to do is look at your name, as most eBay phishing emails start with "Dear eBay Member," or something along those lines. Real eBay messages will refer to you by your eBay screen name or even your real name. You can also roll your mouse over the link provided to you and see where it will actually take you. In most cases, you will find that you are being directed to another site, not All eBay messages should appear in your "My eBay," message box. To see if eBay really sent you an email, you can log into your eBay account, from a brand new window that you open up, and check your messages, if you even have any at all.

If you do receive an eBay phishing scam email, you are advised to contact eBay or examine eBay's help center. There you will find instructions on how to report the email or send a copy of it to eBay. Although your first thought may be to delete the eBay phishing scam email, you will actually want to follow eBay's reporting instructions. You may know that you are being scammed, but other may not. Reporting an eBay phishing scam to eBay allows them to take care of the problem; thus likely reducing the number of eBay users who fall victim to similar scams.

Now that you know exactly what eBay phishing scams are, you are urged to be on the lookout for them. Keeping an open eye is your best line of defensive against eBay phishing scams or any phishing scams for that matter.


Word Count 651

Product reviews:

Introducing the New eBay "Buyer's Credit" Program.

In an effort to compete with more 'traditional' shops, eBay has started to offer finance agreements though PayPal for expensive items. This means that, if the seller decides to offer it, you can now spread the cost of an item into affordable monthly payments.

This is good for buyers, good for sellers, and good for eBay. Buyers can get the kind of credit agreements they're used to in shops. Sellers can make their items more attractive to buyers who might not have all the money then and there, but eBay still pays the sellers upfront - they don't have to wait to be paid each month or anything like that. Buyers make their monthly payments to PayPal's credit provider instead.

The APR of the Buyer's Credit program is currently 12.9%. You can pay back $999 or more over 12 months, or $1,999 or more over 24 months. There are also interest-free options for purchases of $199 or more over 3, 6 or 12 months.

The reason why some of these credit offers sound better than others is that it is up to the seller to decide how good the credit offer should be and pay extra to PayPal to offer it. To give their buyer the best promotion, for example, of no interest for twelve months, the seller must pay 3.75% of the item's cost to PayPal.

Basically, this means that sellers pay less when the buyers pay interest, and sellers pay the cost of the interest on the interest-free offers. PayPal makes its interest either way, buyers are happy to get credit, and sellers are happy to sell more.

Can I Get This Credit?

On items over $199, Buyer's Credit is now being automatically offered to buyers in the USA only. Just click the link when you buy something for more than $199 and you will be taken through the application process, which includes a 30-second check on your credit history. Then you just go through the buying process as normal, and you get your item before you've paid a penny.

Why are eBay Offering This?

eBay say they want to "level the playing field", to allow eBay businesses to compete with the big chain stores, and they also want to promote PayPal as a payment method. Relatively few buyers can afford the more expensive items on eBay all at once, and so the introduction of Buyer's Credit seems likely to significantly increase prices and sales at the higher end of the market.

It is worth noting that you can use Buyer's Credit anywhere PayPal is accepted, not just on eBay. PayPal say it's "like a credit card - minus the card!" You don't get a card number - you can pay with credit with just your email address and password.

The only thing left to do now, then, is find the best deal for that really special item - the expensive thing you've been wanting for ages but could never afford. But how can you be sure you're getting the best price? Try our tips and tricks for eBay searching, in the next email.

Product reviews:

Best Wrinkle Cream – What’S The Fascination?

Friday, April 10, 2009

The hunt for the best wrinkle cream is like the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster. There is a bunch of people claiming to have found it, but nobody really sure if it's it true or not. As frustrating as the constant hunt has become for consumers, they still continue to buy more wrinkle creams with the hope that it will be the fountain of youth. Why do we keep hunting and hoping in vein? This article is going to explore certain aspects of the human condition that keeps us on this "hunt and try" path, forever seeking the best wrinkle cream.One of the first embedded characteristics of consumers in this market is that they have an extremely powerful desire to resist aging, and keep a youthful look. This need is so strong that people end up in therapy as they age, as their faces and bodies change despite their vigorous efforts to stop the process. The easy thing for people to do is to buy products that claim they can do this magical feat. We want so badly for there to be a magic button we can push that takes years off our faces that we keep buying and buying. Surely, if the human race could shed its innate desire to resist aging, there would be a whole lot less wrinkle creams on TV and in magazines.The nature of consumers to believe what they read is another reason the continual flow of purchases in the wrinkle cream industry exists. No matter how many times we buy wrinkle creams that promise to "instantly make us 20 years younger", and are deeply disappointed, we rush right out and buy the next cream that makes the same silly claims. Are we just suckers, or is it something deeper rooted? I believe that it is a combination of our desire to look younger tricking our brains into believing the marketing, and the increasingly deceptive advertisements that companies are using to sell the creams. People want to feel luxurious and pampered. Whether it is because it makes us feel special, or living some ideal lifestyle, the "Luxury" aspect of wrinkle creams keeps us coming back for more and searching for the very best one. This phenomenon is true in all industries where there is an aficionado aspect. The search for the perfect bottle of red wine, or the perfect cigar is very similar. People have become aficionados of wrinkle creams and will spend fortunes in their hunt for the best wrinkle cream on earth. They savor it and rub it onto their skin like delicate silken liquid... just like a wine snob swirls and sniffs his favorite wine. Do you think I'm crazy? Think about it and watch the behavior of persistent wrinkle cream users. You'll see I'm right on the money here.The "Just in case" mentality is another reason why people keep returning to the internet in the hunt for the best wrinkle cream. My idea here is a lot like the person who never goes to church, but prays when they get scared or hear bad news about a family member. The old, "I'm not religious, but just in case God's listening, I'll pray up a storm", is basically the same as people who know these creams aren't going to work, but they keep buying and applying them, JUST IN CASE a wrinkle cream breakthrough finally took place and there exists a cream that will wipe wrinkles right off your skin. This is different than preventative use... this is people who know they're probably getting ripped off, but are willing to take the loss, on the off chance that the cream actually does what it says.This handful or human characteristics are some of the strongest ones that keep customers in line at the department stores, or clicking their mouses online at wrinkle cream websites. The wrinkle cream companies know that people will continue to hunt for the best wrinkle cream, and so they keep putting new products on the market. Perhaps one day if people can become aware of these forces within them, they'll be able to resist all the wrinkle cream spending they're doing. Then again, if that happens, I'll be out of a job.

Product reviews:

GI Joes sporting goods - game over.

Many of Joes customers, specifically GI JOES history buffs, knew the store had spread itself to thin.

Joes Outdoors stores throughout Oregon were busy most of the day Thursday. Store parking lots were nearly full, and long lines formed at registers. But it wasn't the holiday season.

Perhaps some shoppers wanted to spend Joes giftcards to ease the stress of wondering just how long they would still be worth anything. Many were wise shoppers, grabbing bargains or just needed specific gear for future outings.

The Salem store had bargains worth checking out, but looking carefully, I didnt see all that many. After today's sale, a liquidator takes over complete control, and "Bargains may not be very good again until after mid May" commented a knowledgeable sales clerk.

Similar comments were heard elsewhere of the liquidator's style, they also handled a recent electronics store liquidation. Prices may actually go up in the short term.

Salem may be short of easy access to some particular fishing gear, but hopefully the void will be filled soon. I heard great reports of Salmon catches today, Springers are in, and folks want their gear and bait.

Many of Joes customers, specifically GI JOES history buffs, knew the store had spread itself to thin.

"A store can only carry so many items" was the comment heard most, "before it becomes a little overwhelming"

Product reviews:

Common Items Found for Sale on eBay

Are you interested in doing your online shopping through eBay? If you are, you are one of millions of Americans who are. What is nice about eBay is that you can find just about anything on there, within reason of course. If you are interested in shopping eBay, but you never have before, you may be wondering what type of items can be found on eBay. If you would like to learn more, you are urged to continue reading on.

When it comes to eBay, as previously mentioned, you can buy just about anything, within reason. What that in mind, there are some popular items that can be found on eBay. One of those items is entertainment items. When speaking of entertainment items, you will find that the word "entertainment," encompasses a handful of different items. For instance, there is entertainment memorabilia that be found online. These memorabilia pieces commonly include movie posters, signed merchandise, and so on. Entertainment also includes items such as DVDs, VHS tapes, CDs, television sets, DVD players, VHS players, radios, gaming consoles, as well as video games. Basically anything that you can use to entertain yourself can be associated with entertainment.

In addition to entertainment items, one of the next most commonly purchased items on eBay includes clothing. In today's society it seems as if clothing keeps on rising in costs. Even traditional discount department stores are starting to charge more for their clothing. With clothing on eBay, it is nice because you can find a wide variety of different clothing pieces, for all different types of people. For instance, you can find casual clothing, elegant clothing, or school or work uniforms, all for men, women, children, babies, and toddlers. In fact, eBay is also well-known for their large selection of plus size clothing. Many of the most popular clothing pieces found on eBay are name brands being sold in new and used conditions at discounted prices.

Home and garden items are also commonly sold on eBay. As with entertainment items, home and garden encompasses a number of different items. With the home part, it is not uncommon to find home décor pieces, such as pottery or wall art, available for sale. Also, furniture, bedding, bathroom supplies, and kitchen supplies, can commonly be found for sale on eBay. As for the garden part, a wide range of gardening supplies and accessories can be found for sale on eBay. For instance, you can purchase gardening tools, gardening books, garden statues, and other landscaping décor pieces.

Toys are another popular item type that is regularly bought and sold on eBay. What is nice about toys is that many come in new and used conditions. If you are interested in buying toys for your children and you are like most parents, you don't have a problem buying used, as the toys will start to show wear from your own children soon enough anyways. That is why toys are some of the most popular items sold on eBay. As with clothing, it is common to find a large selection of name brand toys available for sale.

One thing that you may not realize that you can buy on eBay is real estate. Yes; real estate can be listed for sale on A large number of for sale by owner home sellers use eBay to quickly sell their properties when they think that they are reaching a dead-end or when they need money in hurry. As with purchasing any item on eBay, when buying real estate, you are advised to do the proper amount of research and use your best judgment. Another big item that can regularly be found for sale on eBay is that of vehicles. A large number of vehicle owners are turning to eBay to sell their vehicles; many of which are in excellent condition and others to be used for parts only.

As you can see, there are an unlimited number of items that can be found for sale, at any given moment, on eBay. What is amazing is that the above mentioned items are just a few of the many that can be found. Even if you have yet to register an eBay account, you can start examining the many products that you can buy.

Product reviews:

An eBay Seller's Checklist.

Being a seller is a lot of responsibility, and sometimes you might feel like you're not doing everything you should be. This simple checklist will help you keep on top of things.

Have you found out everything you possibly could about your items? Try typing their names into a search engine - you might find out something you didn't know. If someone else is selling the same thing as you, then always try to provide more information about it than they do.

Do you monitor the competition? Always keep an eye on how much other items the same as or similar to yours are selling, and what prices they're being offered at. There's usually little point in starting a fixed price auction for $100 when someone else is selling the item for $90.

Have you got pictures of the items? It's worth taking the time to photograph your items, especially if you have a digital camera. If you get serious about eBay but don't have a camera, then you will probably want to invest in one at some point.

Are you emailing your sellers? It's worth sending a brief email when transactions go through: something like a simple "Thank you for buying my item, please let me know when you have sent the payment". Follow this up with "Thanks for your payment, I have posted your [item name] today". You will be surprised how many problems you will avoid just by communicating this way.

Also, are you checking your emails? Remember that potential buyers can send you email about anything at any time, and not answering these emails will just make them go somewhere else instead of buying from you.

Do your item description pages have everything that buyers need to know? If you're planning to offer international delivery, then it's good to make a list of the charges to different counties and display it on each auction. If you have any special terms and conditions (for example, if you will give a refund on any item as long as it hasn't been opened), then you should make sure these are displayed too.

Have you been wrapping your items correctly? Your wrapping should be professional for the best impression: use appropriately sized envelopes or parcels, wrap the item in bubble wrap to stop it from getting damaged, and print labels instead of hand-writing addresses. Oh, and always use first class post - don't be cheap.

Do you follow up? It is worth sending out an email a few days after you post an item, saying "Is everything alright with your purchase? I hope you received it and it was as you expected." This might sound like giving the customer an opportunity to complain, but you should be trying to help your customers, not take their money and run.

Being a really good eBay seller, more than anything else, is about providing genuinely good and honest customer service. That's the only foolproof way to protect your reputation. Of course, you might be wondering by now whether it's really worth all the hassle to get a good reputation on eBay. Won't people buy from you anyway, and couldn't you just open a new account if it really comes down to that? Our next email will set you straight.

Product reviews:

Let's Get a Tan From California Mist-on Booth

Tanned skin is the raging fad in California, which means that if you want to become a part of the in crowd then you must get yourself tanned.

There are various ways on how to get a tan. Traditionally when you want to get a tan you would have to sunbathe for long hours. But long exposure to ultraviolet rays can be damaging to the skin and often cause skin cancer. And usually instead of getting a tan you get sunburned which is awfully painful at times.Another way of getting a tan is to use tanning lotion. This is one safe method but the effect is not really that remarkable since tanning lotion often wears off easily. Plus if you do not know how to correctly apply them you would have an uneven tan.But thanks to new tanning technology now you can have that tanned skin you always dreamed of.

Getting a Tan from California Mist-on BoothThe increasing demand for sunless tanning has encouraged tanning booths in California. And at present there are two sunless booths available in the market and these are the Mystic Tan and the Mist-On Systems. Both of these booths are designed to provide beautiful and even tan without the streaks. How do these booths come up with beautiful, glowing tan?

These booths make use of spray to even out the application of sunless tanning lotion on the body. However the spray technology used is not like your ordinary spray. It makes use of an atomized lotion formula that when applied to the body tends to bonds evenly. The atomized lotion works like little magnets accumulating on the body and at the same time repelling other forms of drops making the tan to really stick on the body.The whole process usually takes at least fourteen seconds to apply on each part of the body to come up with a dark tan. - Easy and quick, achieved without the harmful UV rays exposure.

However, it is important to note that different booths provide different results due to the varied methods applied. Like for instance, a tanning booth can make use of formulas that include bronzers. Such types of formulas are perfect for providing instant tanning color.On the other hand there are also those that contain DHA ingredients and often take more hours for tan to develop depending on a person's skin type. The DHA containing tanning formula is more preferred especially if you want long lasting tan. It can last for up to four days without requiring for re-application.Aside from the tanning formulas used the spray also varies. A tanning booth may use an eight nozzle spray to even out the distribution of the tanning lotion on the body. All the user has to do is to step inside the booth, adjust the nozzle and then simply press the button to activate the spray.

After four rotations the tanning process is completed and the user can step out of the booth towel off any excess lotion and then dress up and go.If you want to maintain your tan it is advisable that you visit your tanning booth every 4 to 5 days. Another advantage of choosing tanning booths over other tanning products or methods is that the formulas used do not stain and are non-greasy. So you won't have to worry tainting your favorite clothes.

Product reviews:

Htc S620 : Affaires sur l'aller

Étant l'une des compagnies mobiles pilotes, HTC conçoit les produits innovateurs et intelligents pour adapter au monde mobile de corporation. Autorisant la nouvelle technologie, les innovations et la flexibilité, la compagnie a fourni les téléphones de pointe de Smartphones et de PDA. Dans la brochure de Smartphones, HTC a ajouté une nouvelle gemme, le HTC S620. Son un téléphone riche d'affaires de haute performance de prise de ? de ? d'â de HTC il dans votre main et sentent la puissance. En termes de conception, sa un téléphone de sucrerie-barre avec un grand 2.4 écran de visualisation de pouce QVGA. Au-dessous de l'écran est un grand clavier numérique QWERTY. Le clavier numérique est très facile à utiliser avec les boutons faciles de saisie des textes. Le clavier numérique vient avec un TAQUEUR de HTC unique que le ? de ? d'â fournit facile et la vue passante en revue et facile de Web rapide des documents et passant par des menus est très rapidement. Passez en revue les possibilités illimitées avec le téléphone commercial de HTC S620.This fournit un choix de dispositifs pour adapter à votre style de vie moderne occupé. Actionné par le ? direct de ? d'â de technologie de poussée du mobile 5.0 de Microsoft Windows obtenez l'accès instantané aux email, le calandrez et entrez en contact facilement. D'ailleurs, le Smartphone vient avec un éventail d'options de connectivité telles que la bande GSM/EDGE/GPRS et Wi-Fi de quadruple. Ces technologies riches vous laissent toujours rester lié au monde. Aucune matière partout où vous allez. Appréciez l'Internet mobile à grande vitesse, synchronisez les email ou maintenez-vous mis à jour avec des dernières nouvelles et l'information. Entrez dans n'importe quelle zone de Wi-Fi et votre dispositif obtient lié à l'Internet.The Smartphone a une ROM incorporée de 128MB et de RAM de 64MB RDA. Le dispositif vient également avec un ? de ? d'â de carte de mémoire de microSD permettant à des utilisateurs de sauver plus de dossiers, d'images et de vidéos. D'ailleurs, le HTC S620 vous laisse regarder des documents dans différents formats de fichier tels que le mot, l'Excel, le PowerPoint et la forme de pdf. Indépendamment des dispositifs d'affaires le combiné vient avec un appareil-photo intégré de 1.3 méga-Pixel qui peut être employé pour prendre les photos et l'enregistrement vidéo. Si ses affaires ou amusement, le HTC S620 sont tous pour vos besoins personnels et de professionnel.

Product reviews:

Anti Aging Anti Wrinkle Cream - When To Use It And Where To Find It

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If you're getting older -- which is quite likely unless your some sort of immortal -- you're going to begin noticing wrinkles & finelines appearing on your body. The most noticeable wrinkles will of course be appearing in the facial region; the region that you look at every day in the mirror; the region that people first see when they talk to you; the region that a man or women first notices when approaching you; the region that classifies you as young & beautiful or old and not-so beautiful. Obviously, you can see where this is headed and why you need to take action in order to prevent wrinkles & finelines. How can you take action? That's easy enough -- by simply using anti aging anti wrinkle cream.

When To Start Using Anti-Aging Wrinkle CreamThe most obvious time to start using anti aging wrinkle cream is when you start to first notice the formation of wrinkles. Although this may be the mindset that most people have adapted to, there is actually a more effective time to start using anti-wrinkle cream. When? Well, that is somewhat tough to say. Some people should start using it as soon as they get into their 20's, while others can wait well into their 30's before they begin using an anti aging anti wrinkle cream.You have to understand that many different factors play a role in the skins elasticity and resiliency; therefore, it's hard to determine what might be good for everyone in general.

Having said that, you really have to determine for yourself if your skin is as beautiful as you want it to be. If it is, you can probably hold off on the wrinkle cream for a few more years. If it isn't, then you may want to start using antiaging wrinkle cream in order to get back that beautiful, wrinkle-free glow.If that answer wasn't really what you were hoping for and you want something a bit more specific, then hopefully this will suffice: Start using anti aging anti wrinkle cream between the ages of 25 and 38. During that period of time (for most people anyways), wrinkles will slowly begin to form; hence, you need to begin using a wrinkle cream if you wish to slow their progression.Where To Find Anti-Aging Wrinkle CreamUnfortunately, finding a good anti aging wrinkle removing cream isn't as easy as strolling into a department store and asking the cashier/clerk to give you the best cream for removing wrinkles & finelines. It would be nice if it was that easy, but it simply isn't. Having said that, you will have to do a bit more research than you'd usually do when purchasing other cosmetic products. Nothing extreme, mind you, just some basic internet searches and a few wrinkle cream comparisons here and there.

To start, just visit your favorite search engine and enter in a key phrase or two: phrases like "anti aging wrinkle cream", "anti-aging wrinkle remover cream", "buy anti-wrinkle cream", etc. Shortly after entering in your phrase, you'll be rewarded with hundreds of thousands of different webpages; all of which are dedicated to the topic of anti-aging products. Admittedly, some of these websites will be useless to you & your search; however, it really only takes 1 or 2 websites to find exactly what you're looking for.Believe it or not, many companies will offer free trials on their anti aging anti wrinkle cream products. If you find such an offer, jump on it. Not only will it save you money in the long run, but you'll be able to rely on your own firsthand experience rather than just reading the experience's of others.

Product reviews:

eBay Sellers: The Importance of Communication

Are you an eBay seller? If you just recently became an eBay seller, you may still be learning the ins and outs of eBay, particularly how to make a profit. While there are an unlimited number of tips that could help increase your chances of making a profit on eBay, like detailed product descriptions and such, there is one way that is relatively simple; having an open line of communication with all of your eBay buyers. Although you may not necessarily think about it at the time, communication goes a long way when it comes to online business transactions, particularly on eBay.

When it comes to keeping an open line of communication with your customers or potential customers, there are three main situations that you should take advantage of. First, if you are selling a popular item, you may have a number of bids or even a number of questions. If your product description wasn't very detailed, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you to have messages from other eBay members seeking more information. While some of these questions may be good, valid ones, others may seem a little bit out in left field. In fact, some eBay member questions may leave you wondering if they even looked at your auction listing. Still, it is advised that you answer all user questions in a polite and timely matter. Doing so will increase the chances of your item or items being sold.

Once an eBay buyer has agreed to buy an item from you, whether it be through a traditional auction listing or a "Buy It Now," sale, you will want to send your customer an invoice, showing the total amount of money that they owe you. After you have received payment, there is a good chance that you will box up the items sold and head to the post office. A great way to make a good impression is to send your customers an update email; an email that can let them know that their items were just shipped. Many eBay buyers like this because it gives them an estimated arrival time frame. Should you have purchased a package tracking number, you will want supply your customers with that information.

It is also advised that you follow through, within a few days or a week, to see if your customers received their items. You may also want to send a personal note asking them how they liked the items and such. One thing that you definitely want to include in a follow-up message is a thank you note. You will want to thank each of your eBay customers for doing business with you. You should also state that you hope to do business with them again. In today's society, many consumers are not thanked for their business anymore, although many wish that they still were. Sending a thank you follow-up note will only take a few minutes of your time, but it is something that your customers will likely remember for sometime to come.

As it was stated above, having an open line of communication may increase your eBay profits. Why you may ask? Well, you need to think of it from a consumer standpoint. If you could shop at two different retail stores, which both had the same products available for the same prices, which store would you choose? If you are like most consumers, you would respond with the store with the best customer service. eBay is no different. With competition increasing each day, you need to be able to set yourself apart from other eBay sellers. The best way to do this is to go the extra mile for your customers.

Keeping an open line of communication before, during, and after each sale will help give you a good, positive reputation among many eBay buyers. It will also likely result in return customers; customers who can help to increase your eBay profits.

Product reviews:

The Benefits of Tanning Lotion

There are diversified repayment of the California Tan tanning ointment that is why more and more individuals are encouraged to give the stimulate a try. There are some brands of tanning liniment made untaken throughout California and thus the option is made to be actually hard. With all the different variety names you face, sometimes you will find it puzzling to show one from the other. In reality, it will be your own diversity.Most suntan lotions are free with itch factors, bronzers, cooling effect, and the mixture of all of them. California Tanned tanning lotions are advertised all over the media. The advertising operation has actually warmed the hearts of the users.California Tanned tanning lotions are advisable to be used on a daily center. In actuality, these lotions are able to aid in the maintenance of the skin's wetness flat so that a healthful glow will be visible in the skin. Also, they are able to shield your skin against the hurtful passion of the sun even without any protective ointment and other sun protection aspects. Skincare can thus be made viable with the use of California Tan tanning lotions. After all, tanning itself is one way for the skin cells to be confined from the sun. It is in tanning that more melanin pigments are shaped and which aid in the helpful and prudent absorption of the ultraviolet radiation.There are in fact California Tan tanning lotions which are able to ensure an organic and improve tan without the hazard of drying. The tanning lotions are usually to be used for outside purposes. The principal ingredient of the tanning lotions makes certain that the skin is protected against the dangerous energy of the sun. Meanwhile, the relax of the ingredients hydrate and promote the skin throughout the tanning period.Tanning lotions are also actual moisturizers of the skin and in readying it for the exposure to the ultraviolet energy. More so, the California Tan tanning ointment equally limit the antioxidants which are desired to aid in the removal of the wrinkles and faint ranks of the skin so that the skin will grow younger and fresher. Among the expected ingredients are the plants extracts positive the vitamins A, E, and C. Overall, the California Tan tanning lotions vacation off a glowing and organic look plus an unmarked feel and charming skin for you. Nevertheless you must take shade that everyday tanning can be harsh on your own skin.It is crucial to consider the three principal functions of the California Tan tanning cream-hydration, food, and then oxygenation. By diet is meant the indigence to furnish the vital vitamins for the skin cells which will thus sustain its regeneration and oxygenation as well. Hydration means to moisturize the skin properly.Lastly, oxygenation means providing enough oil for the skin to treat tanning effectively. Tanning lotions are sounds to use since medical research has been thoroughly conducted for it.When choosing the California Tan tanning lotion that will work best for your skin, it is important to know your own skin style. What may work best for your alone may not sincerely be good on you. Is your skin greasy? Dry? Normal? Or being it a combination of any of them? It is also relatively significant to picture the result which you want. Whatever your purposes are, consult first a professional before taking any California Tan tanning lotion into use.Check them: [phpbay]tanning lotion, 10[/phpbay]
Related BlogsRelated Blogs on The Benefits of Tanning Lotion

Product reviews:

Vision X6100 And X6200HRT Elliptical Trainer Information

Vision elliptical trainers are considered mid to higher end fitness equipment. We recommend that you consider only elliptical trainers that exceed $1000.00 in price to assure quality and durability. Vision elliptical trainers meet this criteria. The Vision X6000 series models are considered to be very good quality elliptical trainer. In general Vision elliptical trainers are known for their quiet smooth and natural stride pattern. Vision elliptical trainers have the ability to fold up thereby presenting a smaller footprint.We decided to find out if the Vision X6100 was worth its $1499.00 MSRP price. We found two vision X6100 to test at a local private fitness center. Our crew of 4 testers went to work on them with back to back 30 minute intensive workouts. Our crew favors rear fly wheel elliptical trainers over the front flywheel models. However the X6100 met their approval with smooth resistance that Vision ECB-Plus magnetic system control provides. It was easily adjustable using simple controls on the console. Two of the testers felt the machine could have been more stable. The Vision fitness X6100s'long stride length of 19 ¾ inches was really appreciated by our two taller testers. We also interviewed fitness center members who used the X6100 on a regular basis. One complaint we heard from these users was the lack of exercise programs on the elliptical trainer. According to Vision the X6100 elliptical trainer comes standard with only 6 programs.We also talked to the fitness center manager to see what if any problems that were evident on the Vision X6100. He indicated that there was more maintenance on the Vision elliptical trainers then the PreCor elliptical trainers that the fitness center also used. He stated the fitness center had been using the X6100 and X6200HRT for about 4 months so he was unable to give us any indication of long term durability. The fitness center gave the Vision X6100 a qualified good rating. He also noted that the X6200HRT was more popular than the X6100 elliptical trainers.Since the Vision X6200HRT elliptical trainer was also available to us we decided to check it out as well. According to Vision Fitness the major difference between the X6100 and the X6200HRT is the wireless telemetric heart rate monitoring. According to the fitness members we talked to they found this feature along with its four programs to be an important feature. Our testers found that unlike the Vision X6100 elliptical trainer the X6200HRT was more stable and had more programming options. The LED display on the console was also above average. All the testers like the articulating foot pads as it really made the long 19 ¾ stride very comfortable. One of our testers conducted a 2 ¼ hour workout on the X6200HRT elliptical trainer and said it was one of the most comfortable she had ever used. The strap that held the telemetric heart monitor did not stay on our largest tester who has a 54 inch chest.At about $2000 the X6200HRT elliptical trainer is expensive for in home use, However if you have the money it is a pretty good elliptical machine. According the fitness center staff the X6200HRT elliptical trainer is a heavy piece of equipment. At approximately 200 lbs you may have to use care and good judgement when siting either of these elliptical trainers. Just like the X6100 elliptical trainer the X6200HRT folds up into a 42 inch footprint. The fitness center staff had only moderate problems in the assembly of both the X6100 and the X6200HRT. It should be noted that the Vision X series of elliptical trainers are designed for in home or corporate use. Corporate use is defined by using the elliptical trainer for 3 hours or less each day.The Vision Fitness warranty For both the X6100 and the X6200HRT is pretty good with lifetime on the frame and magnetic braking system with 3 years on the parts including electronics. The cost of labor is only covered for a year. It is our suggestion that whenever you purchase any fitness equipment that you look at purchasing an extended warranty.As a result of our testing we give both the X6100 and X6200HRT elliptical trainers a good rating for in home use.By: Jim Kesel

Product reviews:

Leather Shoulder Bags: Huge Selection With Great Prices

Shoulder bag emerges as strong market promotional tool in the recent centuries. The entry to the bag is either a zip top, magnetic snap or flap. Many shoulder bags have organizational pockets, several compartments or even a wallet organizer.

Most have an interior back wall pocket. Look for exterior pockets and cell pockets as well. Some rounded shapes are called hobos. Square shapes with wide bottom are often called bucket bags.The bag tool itself is simple and easy to use, allowing users to search the creative collections easily and store their needed accessories that can be located at their needy time. So a premium quality bag is always a welcome addition to your existing one. Lightweight and rugged construction of apex shoulder bags and pouches are perfect for even the most discerning adventure photographer.

The apex line represents the largest and most complete line of protective shoulder bags and cases in the industry and reinforces the best selling and most respected manufacturer of protective shoulder bags and backpacks in the industry.Modern school & college apex shoulder bags combine rugged, durable construction with a molded rubber bumper - positioned at the front of the bags to act as a promotional product and an additional protective barrier - to protect gear against knocks and falls when carrying equipment across rough terrain.

The shoulder bags are made from water-resistant nylon with reversed silent zippers, as well as an All Weather Cover which can be pulled over the bag to protect against rain, dust and sand. The different categories of bags & cases that can be implemented with these methodologies are beach bags, messenger bags, duffel bags, tote bags, backpacks, shopping bags, portfolios, garment bags, eyeglass cases & holders, baggage tags, bags - drawstring etc.Print4Half.Com works with the intention to bring high - quality, low-cost design printed shoulder bags to global market and to other customers. As a small business we know firsthand the importance of receiving quality printed leather/fancy shoulder bag designs for all your personal & business needs. The goal is to provide an online supply of quality designed leather shoulder bags to customers that are easy to use, high quality, at an affordable price.

Product reviews:

The 10 Supreme Tanning Salons in California, USA

Despite the neighboring beaches, Californians opt to avail of the services of tanning salons. Hollywood celebrities' favorite Sunset Tan Salon is joined by Le Beach Club, TanMan, Melrose Tanning Salon, and others to be among the most preferred tanning providers in California.Even with the existence of so many of beaches and the sun ready to cuddle you, Californians still love to go to tanning salons.
They have become so prevalent, thanks to the French Designer, Coco Chanel. At tanning salons, you get a much quicker and an even tan as compared to basking under the sun.Here, catch a glimpse of the 10 supreme tanning salons in California that offer an extensive selection of tanning services.Melrose Tanning SalonThe establishment has a very relaxed and homely ambience similar to the warmth of its employees. Clients can select from various tanning products and services that will match their idea of a perfect tan. Melrose has something to present for every skin type. For UV tanners, a whopping variety of tingle lotions, after-sun lotions, bronzers, and accelerators are available. Moisturizers and exfoliators are at hand for sunless tanners.It is located at Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, just few blocks west of Alta Vista's La Brea.Le Beach ClubThis Torrance salon has been helping Californians get tanned for over two decades. Le Beach Club has Wolff Facial Beds of 43 lamps to produce an even and thorough tan.TanMan SalonThe salon is in West Sunset Blvd.
It's been the official tanning salon of the Oscar Events for its Warner Brothers sponsorship. They offer Wolf Brand beds, ETS beds, and Sundash by Ergoline. And with just 2 to 3 sessions with their Tanses TX-52, you'll have the darkest tan that you desire.Cop-A-TanThe Cop-A-Tan in Torrance is deemed by many to be one of the supreme tanning facilities in Southern California. In the tanning job for over 20 years, Cop-A-Tan branches provide Mystic Tan sunless tanning plus a varied choice of tanning oils and lotions.U-TanYou can find this salon at Hoover St. LA. Choose from an array of high-tech tanning selections - high pressure stand up beds, extraordinary European tanning beds, branded lotion indulgence, etc.SunWorks TanningThis salon has three outlets in California - Glendale, Los Angeles and Pasadena. Their high-pressure bed is a favorite choice of clients. The great tanning experience coupled with warm and helpful staff will make you visit the place again.Silverlake Sun Tanning SalonTailored tanning for skin of all types is available at Silverlake. Facilities and services provided include a selection of tanning bed types, tanning accelerators, handpicked lotions and sunscreens, facial tanners, private tanning spaces, and more.Sunset TanSunset Tan is the favorite tan producer of many Hollywood celebrities such as Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. Sunset Tan has branches in Hollywood (of course), Newport Beach, Redondo Beach, Hollywood, Santa Monica -Venice, Studio City and West LA. It has been featured in popular publications like In Style magazine, Fox Business News and Cosmopolitan.Starlight Tanning SalonStarlight is one of the very few California tanning establishment that offers world famous California Tan and Matahari Products. This salon has outlets in West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica.KoolRaysIt is one of the classiest salons in Glendale California, with sixteen magnificent rooms which impart comfort as you get gorgeous skin.

Product reviews:

eBay Sellers: How You Can Use Completed Searches to Your Advantage

Are you an eBay seller? If so, are you successful at what you do? Perhaps, the better question to ask yourself is if you are making a profit selling on eBay? If you aren't, there are a number of steps that you can take to increase your chances of making a sale.

When it comes to improving your chances of making a sale on eBay, your first impulse may to be change the way that your eBay items are listed for sale. For instance, it is often suggested that you upload detailed pictures of your items, provide detailed descriptions and such. While you will want to try doing so, you will also want to focus on the items that you are trying to sell. Your problem, with making a profit on eBay, might be the items that you have listed. If you have a poor quality item, you may not be able to sell it, but you would still be responsible for paying your eBay fees. In this case, you will not only be unable to make a profit, but you may also end up losing money.

When it comes to knowing which items you can profit from selling on eBay, there are many sellers who think that it is impossible to do. While it may seem impossible, it isn't. Before actually trying to list a particular item for sale online, like an old music CD, you can check to see if that item has been sold on eBay before. If that particular item was sold before, you can also figure out exactly how much money it sold for! This will give you a good idea as to whether or not it would be worth it for you to spend the time creating your auction listings and paying eBay's fees. Although the decision as to whether or not you still want to post your item for sale is yours to make, it may give you inside information; inside information that you will want to take into consideration when making your decision.

To perform a search of completed auctions, you will want to perform an advanced search. The link to the advanced search form can be found by eBay's traditional search box. The only thing that you will to do differently is check the box labeled "Completed Listings Only." Your results will include auctions that meet your searching criteria, but that have already been completed. If an item sold, its price will be outlined in green print. If an item did not sell, the asking price will be outlined, but in red print. As previously stated, performing an eBay completed search gives you the ability to tell whether or not you have a good seller on your hands.

In fact, you can not only use a completed listing search to determine if an item you already have is worth money, but you can also use this eBay tool to help you make money. If you are like many eBay sellers, there is a good chance that you are always on the lookout for great deals, bargains, or antiques. Familiarizing yourself with popular eBay items, ones that can be considered "hot sellers," is a great way to make yourself a profit on eBay. Should you have the ability to do so, you may want to have a partner at home looking up eBay completed listings, while you are out shopping for items to sell at yard sales, flea markets, or thrift stores.

Performing an eBay completed listing search will only take a few minutes of your time. Despite only taking a few minutes of your time, eBay completed searches can help you make money as an eBay seller, not lose it.

Product reviews:

eBay Title Writing Tips.

Trying to be help your buyers find your auctions can be a truly daunting task. Most people only search eBay by title, not by description, and that means that you only have those 55 characters of the title to cover all the possible search terms. That's not easy. In this email, I'll give you a few pointers.

Don't bother with eBay clichés: There are plenty of eBay auction titles that say things like "Super rare camera wow look low price". These are stupid things to put in your title, as no-one is going to search for them.

Think like a buyer: If you were looking for your item, then what exactly would you type into that box? If you think it'd help, try searching yourself to find someone else selling your item. What were the first things you thought of typing?

Think like other sellers: Keep an eye on which sellers are doing best with items like yours, and try to copy their title styles - if it works for them, it can work for you.

Be specific: You should be sure to write the item's brand and specific model number in the title, as people will often search only for this information. Make sure that you also say exactly what the item is.

A Few Examples.

Here are a few examples of good titles. They're real, and they're on eBay right now, making their sellers money. So what makes them good?

"Dell Latitude Laptop P3 500mhz Notebook PC Computer"

If you know about computers, you'll know instantly what this auction is selling. It has manufacturer (Dell) and product line (Latitude), followed by a few technical specifications (P3 500mhz is the processor speed). Notice also that the title includes the four words 'laptop', 'notebook', 'PC' and 'computer', as the seller wants people looking for any of those words to see his auction.

"OASIS Don't Believe the Truth CD Album (New)"

This auction for a CD is well formatted: it gives the artist name in capital letters, followed by the album name. It then manages to include the two key words 'CD' and 'album', as well as the word 'new' - that means that anyone searching for 'new oasis cd', 'oasis new album' and so on will find this auction.

"1840 Penny Black stamp, certificate, four margins"

Here's a slightly more obscure one, from the exciting world of stamp collecting. A penny black is one of the oldest and most famous stamps. It uses a few key words that collectors will consider important: 'four margins' indicates that the stamp has been cut out with some margins around it and so isn't damaged, and 'certificate' tells you that the item has a certificate of authenticity - it's a real penny black. Remember to use every bit of space to squeeze in as much important information as you can in the title.

So now that you've written a winning title, you need to start on a great description. The next email will show you how.

Product reviews:

Hitachi magic wand massager

The Hitachi Magic Wand is an electric massager or vibrator intended for massaging muscles, as well as erogenous zones.

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a two-speed massager, with a soft, flexible head. The Magic Wand is very powerful and is one of the world's finest. For many, many years the Hitachi Magic Wand has been the known as the highest quality massager available. The Hitachi company is also famous for making high quality TV's, VCR, and other electronics. It is common to find professional therapists that use this product. Some have received 20 years of service from theirs.
It first appeared in the 1970s as a medical device, but is now widely used as a sex toy. The device features a round soft flexible head measuring 2.5 inches in diameter with a 9 inch handle. The 6 foot cord is attached to the end of the handle. The Wand provides two levels of vibration speeds: 5000 and 6000 rpm, that are controlled by a hand switcher located on the handle. Unlike many vibrators, the Magic Wand is plugged into a wall socket rather than using battery power.
A steady supply of the Hitachi Magic Wand. It is one of the finest products of its kind available. We offer one of the most safe, secure and private environments in which to buy such a product. The Hitachi Magic Wand is one of the few massagers that has passed the quality, safety and durability tests required to become United Laboratories listed.

Like other personal massagers, the Wand can be used as a muscle massager for soothing and relaxing sore muscles and nerves, relieving tension, rehabilitation after some injuries of muscles and bones, etc. The intensive vibrating movements of the device against the muscles provide the increased blood supply to these areas that helps to regenerate the tissues and release the painful sensations. It is much better known for its use as a sex toy. In this use, it is usually applied to the genital area or the anus for erotic stimulation and can be used by men, women and couples. Some physicians recommend it for women to increase genital sensitivity and enhance arousal.

Product reviews:

Glucose Test Strips on Ebay

Glucose testing is a vital part of an effective blood sugar management program for people afflicted with diabetes. Having access to cost effective test strips is an absolute must but even though blood sugar testing devices have been around for over 20 years, the cost of testing strips has not declined very much, if at all.

Why is this so?

By eliminating competitors, four medical companies now dominate about 90 percent of the market which keeps prices high. These firms are in the game to make money and since the markup on test strips is so high (cost of manufacture is typically around 5 cents each, versus 85 cents to one dollar at retail) it represents a windfall profit opportunity.

At the same time, the growing number of diabetics, identified by increased medical screening, is set to generate greater demand for glucose strips in North America which means more people paying inflated prices. This is fine if a patient has medical insurance but if that's not the case it can financially over-burden them and make testing a lot harder to justify. They become torn between the dire need to test and the fiscal need to save money. A diabetic needs to test without much concern for price.

How to lower the cost.

Clearly, a way to lower the cost of test strips is desirable. New companies are showing up that have lowered the cost of testing to about 60 cents per strip but that price is still somewhat steep.

One method that has proven to lower the cost of my own blood sugar testing supplies is to buy them online on EBay. For one reason or another, people are ending up with a surplus of glucose test strips and they're auctioning them off on the world's largest garage sale.

Typically, test strips go for at least 50 percent less than retail which can bring your cost down as low as 25 - 30 cents depending on the brand and model of blood sugar monitor you use.

EBay has proven effective for me and many others but since it's an online auction, I urge you to be cautious and do your research on products and buyers before committing to anything. Before buying test strips on EBay there are some things to be wary of in order to buy safely.

It is possible to buy bargain test strips on EBay and so far I've perosnally had good experience.

But unwary buyers could get more than they bargained for. They could be opening themselves up to eye damage or unnecessary surgery if they don't know how to buy glucose strips safely. There is also the possibility of ending up with counterfeit strips, so it pays to be informed.

Product reviews:

eBay Buyers: eBay Safety Tips You Should Know

Are you interested in shopping on eBay? If you are, you are definitely not alone. Over the past few years, the popularity of eBay has literally skyrocketed. Since eBay is considered an online auction website, one that allows internet users to post their belongings for sale, it generates a huge marketplace with millions of items for sale, at any given time. Although eBay is a great place to do your shopping online, it can be unsafe; however, there are a number of ways that you can protect you and your finances when using eBay to do your online shopping.

One of the most important things that you need to remember when using eBay is that you created a sign in name or a screen name for yourself. That screen name is used so that you do not have to provide other eBay users with your real name. Yes, if you were to make a purchase online, you would need to give the eBay seller your real name and address, but that is the only time that you should do so. You should never give an eBay seller information about yourself, unless you have won an item from them on the eBay website.

In connection with giving out personal information about yourself, you also do not want to give out any other personal information about your finances. eBay uses a secure checkout program, which enables you to make payment arrangements on your own. The most secure way to make purchases online is through PayPal, but many other sellers accept personal checks or money orders. With PayPal, the eBay seller you are doing business with actually doesn't get your credit card information, as all funds are transferred electronically. For that reason, there is no reason to give an eBay seller your bank account information or your credit or debit card information, even if you are buying an item from them.

When buying an item on eBay, you may place most of your focus on the price that the item is listed at, if it is a buy it now auction. If it is in a traditional auction listing, you may be focusing on the current highest bid. While this is important to do, you will also want to place a focus on the total cost of shipping. It is not uncommon for eBay sellers to sell their items for a low price, but charge a high amount in shipping. Also, be cautious of a seller who doesn't provide you with shipping information upfront. Often times, you will find this is a front for a scam. After winning the auction, you are responsible for paying for the product, as well as the shipping costs, which often turn out to be high.

To prevent you from doing business with a shady eBay seller, one who may be out to take your money, you will want to examine the feedback of each eBay seller that you are interested in doing business with. While a few negative feedback ratings are not uncommon, you will want to be cautious of new eBay sellers with even just one or two negative ratings. Basically, when shopping on eBay, you need to use your best judgment. If something looks suspicious, there is a good chance that it is. To prevent yourself from being scammed or losing money, you will just want to make sure that you use your head, as it is often the best sign of trouble to come.

It is also important to mention phishing scams. These types of scams are taking place off of the eBay website, but they are, in a way, related to eBay. There are a number of scammers, who are creating fake eBay emails, as well as fake eBay sign in screens. These emails are prompting you to sign into your eBay account. Once you do so, the scammer will have access to your eBay account, as well as some of your personal information. Do not fall victim to these scams. All eBay messages should appear in your eBay account, which can be accessed once you log in directly from

eBay is a great place to buy and sell on the internet. You shouldn't let the possibility of getting scammed prevent you from shopping online. As long as you keep the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to do your online shopping on eBay, without having any problems.

Product reviews:

When and How to Withdraw Your eBay Bid (and Why You Might Not Want To).

eBay are a little strict about letting you withdraw your bid. They call it a 'bid retraction', and have a stringent set of conditions that you must meet before you are allowed to do it. Here are eBay's three acceptable reasons for withdrawing a bid.

You made a typographical error: This means that you accidentally typed the wrong amount into the bid box, bidding a far higher price than you meant to. This can be scary: imagine bidding $100 and accidentally adding an extra '0'! You are entirely allowed to withdraw your bid in this situation, and bid again if you want to.

The item's description changed: If you bid on something and then the seller updates the description, you have the right to withdraw your bid. It wouldn't be fair, after all, to force you to take something that you now realise you don't want.

The seller is uncontactable: If emails to the seller bounce and they don't answer their phone, then the auction obviously can't continue, and you can cancel it.

So How Do I Retract My Bid?

eBay hide away the bid retraction form a bit, because they don't like people using it. You can find it by going here:

Now all you need is the item number from your auction: this can be found on the item description page's top right corner. If you can't see it on the page, look in your browser's title bar, and in any emails eBay have sent you about your bid on the item. Choose one of the three allowed reasons, click 'retract bid', and you're done.

Are There Any Consequences?

Well yes, there are. The more unethical among you might have considered that you could just cancel bids anytime you feel like it by saying that you accidentally entered the wrong amount. eBay are one step ahead of you. Each time you retract a bid, it is counted on your feedback page for all to see - and anyone with a lot of retracted bids looks more than a little dodgy. eBay also say that abusing the bid retraction feature could get you banned.

So is there a way to retract your bid without facing a penalty? There is if your seller is nice, and most are. Sellers can cancel bids on their auctions at any time, and if you email them with a half-decent excuse then most will be more than happy to do this for you. After all, it's not in their interest for their item to go to someone who won't like it, as you might leave negative feedback.

Of course, retracting your bid should still be a rare thing: you won't win auctions that way! If you've followed us this far, the chances are you've won an auction by now, or you're close - but you might be a little puzzled about what to do next. Our next email will give you a few pointers.

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eBay Sellers: Why You Should Have an "About Me," Page

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are you an eBay seller? If you are looking for ways to make money from home, there is a good chance that you may be. When it comes to working from home or making money from home, one of the first places that people turn to is eBay. The only problem is that to make money on eBay, you must be a successful seller. There are a number of steps that you can take to become a successful eBay seller. One of those steps involves creating an "About Me," page.

If you are relatively new to selling on eBay, you may not know what an "About Me," page is. An "About Me," page is a webpage that allows you to write anything that you want about you, the items that you sell, or type of services that you offer. Due to the possibility of being scammed on eBay, a large number of eBay buyers want to do business with someone that they feel they can trust. One of the best, yet easiest ways, to go about creating trust is by creating an "About Me," page. Although it may seem simple to you, it actually means a lot in the eyes of many eBay buyers. And, to be a successful eBay seller, public perception is everything.

As it was previously stated, if you are interested in creating an "About Me," page, there is a section where you can write whatever you want to write. If you want to be a successful eBay seller, you will want to give information that you feel could be useful to you. For instance, if you are selling on eBay because you are a stay at home mom or dad, you may want to write that, but in a professional matter. Explaining your purpose for being an eBay seller is a great way to get an eBay buyer to see you as a person, just like themselves.

If you consider yourself to be a fulltime eBay seller or if you specialize in a certain type of product, like kids clothing, you may want to mention that in your personalized "About Me," section. In addition to the samples outlined above, you will also want to add in anything else that you may find useful or something that you think will grab the attention or trust of potential buyers. When making your own personalized "About Me," page section, it is important that you use your best judgment. Look at it from the perspective of an eBay buyer; what would you like to see on your own page?

In addition to your own personalized section, there are some sections that eBay automatically includes on a seller's "About Me," page. One of those items is a summary of current items available for sale. For instance, if you have a number of auctions currently going, those auctions will be summarized on your "About Me," page, for everyone to see. All visitors are provided with a link to the auction listing, the current highest bidding price, as well as a short description of what is currently available for sale. In a way, having an "About Me," page may also increase your chances of getting a sale, since a visitor to your page may see something that catches their eye.

eBay "About Me," pages also commonly include information on feedback. If you are an established eBay seller, particularly one that has a good feedback rating, this may work out to your advantage, as visitor will be able to see that you are reputable eBay seller. If you have a number of feedback ratings, only a certain number, most commonly the recent ones, will be shown. This includes positive, negative, and neutral feedback ratings from your past eBay transactions.

Having an "About Me," eBay page is completely optional, but, as outlined above, there are a number of benefits to having one. With an eBay "About Me," page only taking a few minutes to make, you are advised to at least give it a try. After all, you may be surprised with the results.

Product reviews:

5 Simple Steps to Posting Your First eBay Auction.

It's surprisingly simple to get started posting your very first auction on eBay. Here's what you need to do.

Step 1: Open an eBay seller's account.

If you've bought things on eBay, then you already have an account - just log in with it and click 'Sell' in the toolbar at the top of the page, then click 'Create a seller's account'. If you've never used eBay before, then you'll need to open an account first using the 'register' link underneath the toolbar, and then click 'Sell' and 'Create a seller's account'. The eBay site will then guide you through the process. For security, this may involve giving card details and bank information.

Step 2: Decide what to sell.

For your first little experiment with eBay, it doesn't really matter what you sell. Take a look around the room you're in - I'm sure there's something in there that you're not all that attached to and could put in the post. Small books and CDs are ideal first items.

Step 3: Submit your item.

Click 'Sell', and you're on your way to listing your item.

The first thing you need to do is choose a category - it's best to just type in what the item is and let eBay choose for you. Next, write a title and description. Include key words you think people will search for in the title box, and all the information you have about the item in the description box.

Now set a starting price. $0.01 is the best starting price, as it draws people in to bid who otherwise wouldn't, and items will almost never finish at such a low price. The next thing to set is the duration of the auction: 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. This is up to you: longer sales will usually get more bids, but will also seem to drag on forever. If you've taken a picture, add it now - items with pictures always sell for more. Finally, tick the payment methods you will accept (just PayPal is best for now), and where you will post to (limit yourself to your own country to begin with). Submit and you're done!

Step 4: Wait for it to sell.

This is just a matter of sitting back and letting eBay do its thing - buyers will find your item and leave bids on it. Some bidders might email you with questions about the item, and you should do your best to answer these questions as quickly as you can.

Remember that if your item doesn't sell then you can list it again for free.

Step 5: Collect payment and post it.

eBay will sent your buyer emails guiding them through the process of sending you payment for the item. Make sure you have the money before you send anything.

Once you've got the payment, all you need to do is pack the item for posting (make sure to use some bubble wrap), take the buyer's address from the confirmation email eBay sent you, and write it on the parcel. Put some stamps on, post it, and you're done!

I hope you enjoyed selling your first item. Now that you're starting to get into it, the next email will give you a checklist of things you need to do to be a successful seller.

Product reviews:

Tips on Making Money on eBay, Not Losing It

Are you interested in becoming an eBay seller or are you a relatively new eBay seller? If so, you may still be learning the ins and outs of eBay. Selling on eBay is a great way to make money on the side or even enough to support yourself, but you have to be successful at what you do. Unfortunately, it can take time to fully learn the ins and outs of eBay, particularly how to become a profitable eBay seller, until now. Below some helpful tips are outlined; tips that you won't necessarily find explained on eBay.

eBay sellers are all required to pay fees to list their items for sale on eBay. You are charged two separate fees, a listing fee or insertion fee and a final value fee. For the final value fee, you are charged a percentage of the price that your item sold for. The insertion fee or listing fee is figured out a little bit differently. Instead of being charged a percentage, you are charged a set amount. For instance, at the current moment, it costs .20 to list an item up to .99 cents and .40 to list an item for sale between $1.00 and $9.99, and the fee scale continues up in a similar fashion. Please remember that this is just a sample. eBay regularly changes their fees; therefore, you are urged not to rely on the aforementioned fee samples.

Although eBay sellers must pay the eBay fees mentioned above, many do not take the time to thoroughly understand those fees. You are advised against doing that, as it may end up costing you money. For instance, many of the price ranges for eBay's insertion fee scale ends at .99 cents. For you, this is a great opportunity to save money, but you must know how to do so. As stated above, if you list one of your items at $9.99, the sample insertion fee would be only .40 cents. Did you know that if you listed your item for $10.00, your insertion fee could jump up to around .60 cents! An extra .20 cents just for a penny is pretty expensive, especially if you list a number of eBay auctions that way. Before listing items for sale on eBay again, examine eBay insertion fee sale and see how you can easily save money, sometimes by just shaving a few cents off your asking price.

It has often been said that to be a successful eBay seller, you need to have good product descriptions and clear digital pictures of the item or items that you are selling. Of course, having a number of pictures in your eBay listings is a great way to increase your chances of making a sale, but it can be expensive doing so. eBay allows sellers to post one picture for free. Additional pictures can be purchased for a small fee, but that small fee can add up overtime. For that reason, many eBay sellers limit the number of pictures they put in their auctions; however, you do not want to do this. Instead, you will want to examine photo sharing sites. Photo sharing websites, like PhotoBucket are a nice, fee way to add more pictures to your eBay auctions. Register with a photo sharing site, like PhotoBucket, follow the instructions and you should be saving money in no time at all.

The above mentioned ways are just a few of the many ways that you can save money on eBay, not lose it. In all honesty, you should do a little bit of research first. Using the internet is a great way to research selling on eBay, as many other eBay users will share their money making secrets with you, free of charge.

Product reviews:

Learning the eBay "Lingo".

Do you have trouble sometimes understanding when people talk about eBay? Don't worry, some of the jargon is really obscure, and you can't be expected to understand it until someone's told you what it means. Here's a little list of some of the most useful lingo to know, but you don't need to memorise it - even the most common jargon is only used relatively rarely.


Bid: telling eBay's system the maximum price you are prepared to pay for an item.
Dutch: an auction where more than one of an item is available.
Feedback: positive or negative comments left about other users on eBay.
Mint: in perfect condition.
Non-paying bidder: a bidder who wins an auction but does not then go on to buy the item.
PayPal: an electronic payment method accepted by most sellers.
Rare: used and abused on eBay, now entirely meaningless.
Reserve: the minimum price the seller will accept for the item.
Shill bid: a fake bid placed by a seller trying to drive up their auction's price.
Snail Mail: the post, which is obviously very slow compared to email.
Sniping: bidding at the last second to win the item before anyone else can outbid you.


AUD: Australian Dollar. Currency.
BIN: Buy it Now. A fixed price auction.
BNWT: Brand New With Tags. An item that has never been used and still has its original tags.
BW: Black and White. Used for films, photos etc.
CONUS: Continental United States. Generally used by sellers who don't want to post things to Alaska or Hawaii.
EUR: Euro. Currency.
FC: First Class. Type of postage.
GBP: Great British Pounds. Currency.
HTF: Hard To Find. Not quite as abused as 'rare', but getting there.
NIB: New in Box. Never opened, still in its original box.
NR: No Reserve. An item where the seller has not set a reserve price.
OB: Original Box. An item that has its original box (but might have been opened).
PM: Priority Mail.
PP: Parcel Post.
SH: Shipping and Handling. The fees the buyer will pay you for postage.
USD: United States Dollars. Currency.
VGC: Very Good Condition. Not mint, but close.

The chances are that you'll find more specific jargon related to whatever you're selling, but it'd be an impossible task to cover it all here. If you can't figure one out from your knowledge of the subject, then type the term into a search engine, followed by the word 'ebay'. The chances are that someone, somewhere will have seen fit to explain it.

While it's good to be able to understand others' jargon, avoid using it unless you really need to (for example, if you run out of space in an item's title). Many people on eBay are not experienced buyers and you will lose them if you write a load of gobbledegook all over your auction.

By now, you're well prepared for eBay life, and you're probably ready to get started with that first auction. In the next email, we'll show you how to dive in and get started.

Product reviews:

Acer Revo: The perfect desktop PC

Sometimes it amazes me how hard it is to bring out a product that seems so obvious. This Acer Aspire Revo has been born in the midst of a war, but may be one of the best desktop computers ever created. Let's look at why this was a difficult product to come up with and then close with an overview of the offering.

The world isn't all mobile

The desktop PC market has been flat or declining for virtually the entire decade. This last quarter, desktop computer sales declined at a pace you would wonder if there will be anyone left in five years who is still buying a desktop system. Getting people even interested in putting resources into a desktop PC has been nearly impossible for some time and with sales performance and margins falling, anyone pitching a new desktop computer to their executives had to have felt like they were committing career suicide.

Yet the world really isn't mobile, people still like to have PCs waiting for them at home and want them increasingly connected to TVs to watch Web video services like Hulu and YouTube as a family. Kitchen PCs, PCs for younger children, and even a PC in the guest room isn't uncommon in many homes and none of these uses really make sense for a Notebook or Netbook. As a result, while the desktop market isn't what it once was, it isn't dead either and my view is we simply have lacked compelling affordable products.

In addition, with the increased focus on smartphones, I wonder if what the market will eventually fall back on is a smartphone desktop solution with low cost desktops at work and home, and dmartphones that handle the majority of mobile needs.


The economic conditions have folks focused on saving money both in terms of purchase price and in terms of energy. But that doesn't mean people want to buy stuff that looks cheap, that they can't be proud to either show or give as a gift. Particularly for kids parents want their children to be excited they just can't afford $1000 + PCs, nor do they want to spend more money on energy than they have to.

They are looking for high quality low cost products that are very power efficient. Fortunately, technology may actually be able to provide this nearly impossible solution.

Atom + Ion

This often seemed like some kind of Shakespeare play, a Romeo and Juliette variant for instance, where the perfect couple was being kept apart by warring parents. Intel appeared to hate Ion because, it moves their Atom offering into the mainstream in terms of performance and potentially cannibalizes their higher margin Core 2 offerings. But this has always seemed silly to me. People are clearly not buying a lot at this time. Trying to get higher margins for products people don't buy, based on sales performance, at the moment isn't a good financial strategy. To be successful, you typically try to build products folks want to buy then optimize the costs. Not the other way around. GM and Chrysler are both companies that showcase why doing this backwards doesn't work well.

Acer Aspire Revo

This is what makes the Acer Revo so interesting. It came out despite Intel, it is a desktop system, it matches price, performance, good looks, and pride in a way unlike any other currently shipping desktop computer and it is backed by a major brand.

This is the kind of risk you rarely see outside of companies like Apple and while Acer lacks Apple's marketing prowess this product may be the perfect product for what is left of the crowd that still prefer desktop over mobile PCs.

Based around the Atom and Ion CPU/GPU technology core, the product is thin, sexy and quiet for a desktop and about the size of a hard backed book. It can be configured with up to 4 GB RAM and up to 250 GB of storage internally. It has VGA, HDMI, eSata, and 6 USB ports. It has a four-in-one card reader. And it will run the Premium versions of both Windows Vista and the coming Windows 7 platform. With prices starting below $400, this may be one of the best values in a market hungry for them.

Wrapping up

My view of the market is that you analyze what the customer wants, even if the customer can't articulate that "want". If you look at some of the most successful products like the iPod, iPhone, and Wii, you see companies that anticipated what the market wanted and took risks to create something wonderful. The Acer Aspire Revo has the potential to be one of those products. We'll see if the market agrees when it comes to stores in the next few weeks, we can only wonder what the netbook sized notebooks based on similar technology will do when they show up later in the year.
[phpbay]acer aspire, 10[/phpbay]

Product reviews:

Palm Pre and Sprint’s 4G WiMAX network

With the way that Sprint are promoting their 4G WiMAX network and also the Palm Pre in new advertisements, it would be wishful thinking that the new Pre phone would include 4G for a much faster experience.
Will the Palm (NASDAQ:PALM) Pre include a version with 4G at release? Well that is very unlikely and there is more chance of seeing that in Palm Pre 2.0., although we may see some kind of limited support (just rumor).
We have to keep in mind that Sprints 4G technology used in wireless Internet cards is great (see the TV advertisements), but cell phones would be better. Would you like a Palm Pre with 4G?
If the Palm Pre becomes as popular as Palm and Sprint hope then this can bring in more money for WiMAX expansion. This may be needed thanks to Sprint being the only one using WiMAX at the moment, with many others using LTE.
Competing 4G standards is one of the main problems for the consumer, this will have to sort itself out in the coming years for the public to fully appreciate 4G.

Product reviews:

74597 Digital photo converter from Famous Maker

We are always looking for a great deal in these troubled times, and today we have a great recession antidote for you, this Famous Maker 74597 Digital Photo Converter. This device will quickly and easily convert your photographs into digital images.

The Famous Maker 74597 will preserve your photos for your future generations, something that would have come in handy for my wife, as she is searching her family tree. If they had one of these digital photo converters years ago, then I would not be working hard now trying to restore some of the photos that she has managed to acquire.

The Famous Maker 74597 Digital Photo Converter is much faster and easier than a standard scanner; the device will instantly capture the whole of the image thanks to its 5 MP CMOS sensor, the same a digital camera. The converter has a 1,800 dpi resolution and 10 bits per color channel, meaning that the finished digital photos are as accurate as they can be.
[phpbay]digital photo converter, 10[/phpbay]

Product reviews:

GM and Segway's PUMA goes live!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You know how the oil companies are all trying to become energy companies now? The new PUMA (aka, the Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project) from GM and Segway shows one way that auto companies could shift over to being transportation companies if they wanted to. At an unveiling of the enclosed Segway for two this morning in Manhattan, GM and Segway reps talked about how the PUMA represents a big evolution of the automobile. GM vice president of research and development Larry Burns said the PUMA "is about fundamentally reinventing the automobile"
We just lived, breathed and experienced GM and Segway's joint press conference, where they "unveiled" the P.U.M.A. one more time for effect. Larry Burns and Jim Norrod from GM and Segway, respectively, talked up what they each brought to the table, and described the vehicle's inception as a partnership.

Segway obviously brought the two-wheel mojo, and seems responsible for most of what's being shown at the moment. As opposed to the Segway's tilt-and-cringe system of navigation, the P.U.M.A. has a more regular steering wheel, but while they're currently demonstrating it with Segway-style acceleration, they plan on swapping that for "Nintendo-style" buttons behind the wheel for acceleration and braking. For GM's part, they plan to integrate its "connected vehicles" technologies to improve safety and efficiency -- and we might not see P.U.M.A. on the road until they can pull it off. The car will not only communicate with other cars and with GPS, but will sense and stop for pedestrians. They plan to show a connected version that will be available for test drives by Real Actual Humans this coming fall, and then next year will come the scariest of all unveilings: GM styling. Right now this is just a chassis, GM plans on slapping on all sorts of "fashionable" candy shells, and if the incredibly unrealistic and "futuristic" renders we saw are any indication (see the gallery below), we'd really rather do without.

The biggest obstacle to commercialization, however, is the lack of infrastructure: P.U.M.A. in its current incarnation is designed for for bike lanes, and the first cities to get it will be ones with existing, comprehensive bike lanes -- not as much of an obstacle in Europe, but quite the stretch for most American cities. Still, the mathematics are quite alluring, with a 35 mile range at 35 mph for a 35 cent charge -- even us mouth-breathing Statesiders can understand that

Product reviews:

Protocol Keyring Breathalyzer

Times are very hard for most of us now, and we have to find ways of making our money stretch. That does not mean that we have to stop spending altogether, we just have to become cleverer at what we buy and when we buy it. Each day we will search for some great deals, which we will call a recession antidote. Our first is this Ashley Collection 2419-7 Protocol Keyring Breathalyzer.

As we work harder to make our money, we always need to go out and let our hair down, it is a great way of dealing with stress for some people, I would not know that, as I do not drink alcohol. For those of you who do worry that you could be over the limit, and not know if it is safe to drive home.

If I did drink I would always choose not to ever drive home, it is just not worth the risk. For those of you who feel that you have just had a little alcohol and worry if you are over the limit or not, then the Keyring Breathalyzer is ideal.

The device measures the amount of alcohol on your breath, this is done with its oxidized semiconductor that measures blood alcohol content (BAC) in seconds. All you need to do is blow in the sensor for around 3 seconds. The device will then report if f your BAC is low (less than .05%), borderline (.05% to .08%), or legally intoxicated (greater than .08%).

Product reviews:

Anti-aging skin moisturizers

Did you know that many of the aging skin moisturizers on the market today simply won't help? The products beneath the glossy advertizing contain very little active ingredients and many harmful chemicals. So what should you look for?

The best starting point is a natural skin care line, without the harmful chemicals like parabens, fragrance and mineral oils, which can irritate the skin and cause long term problems. One of the main myths if you like, is the one with collagen in the moisturizer.

The molecules of collagen are too big to be absorbed by the skin and so when applied they do very little good. Good aging skin moisturizers will help your body to produce more collagen and elastin.

As we age our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, the two most important skin proteins, and this is the reason our skin starts to sag and fine lines and wrinkles appear. One substance that increases production of these is called Cynergy TK, from New Zealand sheep's wool.

This amazing substance has been proven to reduce lines and wrinkles, and help restore the natural elasticity and firmness of the skin, and along with other natural moisturizing oils, will help to restore your youthful glow.

The most important oils are Jojoba and Grapeseed. Jojoba has been shown to be one of the most highly effective aging skin moisturizers, nourishing deep down, helping to fight wrinkles.

Grapeseed is full of antioxidants, which helps to fight free radicals which damage your skin and cause aging. It also creates a kind of invisible protective film on your skin which greatly improves moisture retention.

Babassu wax from the Amazon rain forest is another powerful but largely unknown ingredient which moisturizers the skin and helps to protect it from the dirt and grime of everyday life, leaving it soft and smooth.

All of these natural ingredients in aging skin moisturizers will help to reverse the signs of aging while at the same time caring for your skin and health in general, unlike the mainstream big name brands. You just need to look a little further to find them.

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