Buying Cheap Gucci Bag and the Real Gucci Handbags!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Looking for cheap Gucci bag, without being duped? Is a cheap Gucci bag real or fake? Most handbags which are sold very cheap are either sold at a discounted price or a replica. Women, who collect Gucci handbags, opt to buy the authentic handbag at a discounted price. They are not duped, they are just being wise. Before buying cheap Gucci bag, you have to know some details before giving in your cash or credit card payment. First, check if the site is reliable. Better, buy one cheap Gucci bag, before buying several pieces. The site has to be authentic, so you won't loose money along the way. Second, navigate for style! Fashion is timely, style is timeless. The key here is buying cheap Gucci bag suited for your fashion style. Are you the dramatic type? Usually these types are tall and thin, the type of Zeta Jones and Angelina Jolie. They have angular features, they even walk dramatically! Gucci handbags have styles for classic women; consider the Gucci handbag made famous by Jackie O? She has always been a dramatic beauty. The second type is the sporty natural type, hobos are usually for this group, since they love going out and are usually gregarious. This type of style usually goes for Gucci handbags that are trendy and sporty type, like Gucci messenger bags and Gucci hobos in different colours and sizes. Depending on the body type, if you are slim but sporty, you tend to choose Gucci handbags with long straps which really look cheek and trendy. The third type of style is romantic, these women opt to buy a Gucci Indy bag, and it has a slant of exotic and western taste, unique only to the romantic styles. The fourth type is the ingénue; these ladies are usually young or youthful. They are very feminine and dainty. They opt for Gucci Romy Leather Hobo, and the last but not the least is the classic type, typical of Julie Andrews, a classic beauty, Gucci handbags also have special style for classic types, consider a Gucci Queen White Hobo. Third after identifying your style, look for your natural skin colour tones, you can be a winter, summer, autumn or spring. Winter colours are great at Gucci handbags with pure white, true blue, and navy blue, grey beige, black, charcoal grey, medium grey or medium true grey. Winter ladies are usually characterized as blue eyes, brown eyes, dark grey rims, she looks great in auburn hair too, but usually its light brown, and looks great with their white hair when they mature. Summer colours usually have ash brown hair, but they really look fair and pretty! Some summer colour ladies change their eye colour depending on what they are wearing, so a Gucci handbag colored soft white, rose beige, cocoa, rose brown, light blue grey, light lemon yellow (a Gucci Crocodile Hobo is flattering for her) can really make heads turn! Autumn ladies are usually warm hearted people, some autumns have ivory or peach skin tones, but usually they have brown blonde or golden brown hair, Gucci bags colored dark chocolate brown hobos or medium warm bronze are flattering for autumn ladies.  Once you have already identified your colour, your style, it is good to look at the sites once more and check the different colours and designs available for your wardrobe. Some ladies make a good buy when they buy cheap Gucci bag in bulk to complete the wardrobe, especially those busy ones who balances work and home, or students who wants to be fashionable and stylish. Saving up for these timeless pieces and buying Gucci handbags are worth it.Check them: [phpbay]hobo bag, 10[/phpbay]

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Anonymous said...

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