Gluten free diet in celiac disease

Monday, May 4, 2009

What is a gluten free diet?

Gluten is the general name given to proteins found in grains such as
wheat, barley, rye and oats. A gluten-free diet eliminates foods and food ingredients
contain these grains. Your doctor may prescribe a gluten free diet if you are diagnosed
celiac disease or other forms of intolerance to gluten. In general, this diet is required
permanently and should not be suspended unless your doctor tells you so.
Because even small amounts of gluten can cause damage to the intestine
thin and often symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, anemia and fatigue, is
essential to follow the diet exactly as directed. In some cases, people
may have more severe reactions. Meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and products
milk do not contain gluten naturally.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease that destroys the villi of the small intestine when a sufferer ingests any form of gluten, which includes wheat, barley, and rye.

Being a celiac diet involves carrying different from others, which is not easy. Intolerance to gluten, a protein found in many foods, it can greatly hinder the daily life of a person with celiac and their families. It is a matter of habits, yes, but what many do when consumer goods are indigestible for you, in a restaurant where almost everything is forbidden for you or your husband should tell your child not to eat the birthday cake ? The incidence of intolerance in recent years has developed a world of cuisine available to celiac patients.

Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten that produces an intestinal villous atrophy, resulting in poor absorption of nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals or vitamins.

Chronic intestinal disease is that most people have in Spain, as one hundred fifty births suffer. Its causes are determined by a genetic predisposition that makes more than one member of a family could be celiac, whether children or adults.

The most common symptoms are presented by the disease, according to the FACE (Federation of Associations of Celiac Spain), loss of appetite and weight, chronic diarrhea, abdominal distension, alterations of the character and growth retardation in boy. However, these symptoms in either children or adults do not always have to appear, or make it the same way, so its diagnosis is difficult, which is made by an intestinal biopsy.

Although a priori it is not advisable to remove the intake of gluten without the results of this test. Once these are definitive, as patients diagnosed celiacs must always stop consuming any products containing wheat, barley, rye, spelled, kamut, triticale and possibly oats, as the gluten protein found in they.

Therefore, we need to keep a strict diet based on natural foods such as vegetables, meats, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, vegetables and grains without gluten (rice and corn), avoiding as far as possible, packaged product, it is difficult to ensure that they can be 100% free of gluten.

Celiacs sick, therefore, can not be exposed to the intake of protein, albeit in a minimal amount, which could result in a number of disorders and not desirable, says the CFE could reach the heights of the malnutrition, mental depression, infertility, both male and female, a natural predisposition to abortion or a higher risk of suffering from certain cancers.

However, although it is true that involves a series of limitations and precautions, celiac disease, once diagnosed and treated, and if it takes a day to day, with orders not imply in any case unable to lead a life "normal", no longer a problem for the patient.

Thus, both the patients and their families do not have to alter the course of their normal activities. Children can continue to "living children" might be a birthday, holiday, camp ... as long as the person responsible aware of the illness suffered. And the same goes for adults, should not stop doing what they want by the simple fact of having celiac disease.

It may not be swine flu, but the symptoms of Celiac disease can be varied and intense, and often take many months to correctly diagnose in suffering patients. Symptoms can include bloating, gas, severe diarrhea, headaches, skin rash, and poor weight gain, and can also lead to unexplained depression, infertility and attention deficit disorder.

Celiac disease is often confused with irritable bowel syndrome, iron deficiency anemia, or intestinal infections. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearing House, it can take years to correctly diagnose celiac disease as the culprit of a person's symptoms. To check for gluten intolerance, doctors can either perform a blood test for high levels of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies or they can perform a biopsy of the small intestine.

Keeping a 100% gluten free diet is the only way to treat Celiac disease. After going on the diet many people see their symptoms clear up immediately.
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